As most meaningful products began out of need, so did the Tudor Wallet. For years, I carried complicated wallets stuffed with receipts, credit cards, coupons, club cards, gift cards. I stuffed nearly everything that would fit into my wallet. My pocket would bulge, making outlines of the wallet on my trousers. In the rear, my wallet was susceptible to theft, and pelvic pains were common after a long road trip.


At some point, a friend of mine showed me his thin, single-fold wallet. After turning the wallet over in my hand, I wondered how someone could go with so little during their day. It was at that moment that I realized my wallet size was affecting my life. After contemplation, I soon purchased a series of slim wallets made from a variety of manufacturers. Nothing I found lasted more than a year. Even with major name brands, the thin leather would fray, or the stitching would come apart. My obsession to find the most efficient wallet that would last for years began. 


My design criteria was distilled down to three things:

  • Make it ridiculously simple to use 
  • Make it last for years 
  • Make it stylish 

Over the years, I worked on many iterations, slowly refining the manufacturing approach to achieve my design criteria.

After making wallets for many friends, the feedback was clear. There are many people out there that need a simple wallet, and my wallet design fit their needs perfectly. 

I hope you enjoy owning a Tudor Wallet.